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The Bizz Award 2016

On July 30, 2016 in Washington, at the Willard Inter Continental Hotel, the ceremony of presenting one of the most important awards in the field of business "THE BIZZ 2016" to the World Business Confederation WORLDCOB took place. It is awarded every year during an international convention where many recognized entrepreneurs, experts and representatives of diplomacy from around the world gather. 
The award is dedicated to enterprises which, through continuous improvement and development, are successful in their industry and additionally contribute to the development of the economic level of their own country and the global economy.
Dr. Izabela Lenartowicz was awarded the "THE BIZZ 2016 Business Excellence" award for the excellent management of the Med Estetica Aesthetic Medicine Clinic and the high quality of its services, creativity and innovation in business, outstanding achievements and social responsibility. Thus, she joined the group of the international business elite, becoming a member of the WORLDCOB Federation.



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