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Rosacea treatment

Rosacea affects more and more patients.This disease is often confused with juvenile acne, however, rosacea occurs only in adults and most often has a different origin than juvenile. It is a chronic, inflammatory disease of the facial skin. In the first stage it involves the middle part of the face, where erythema and telangiectasia (i.e. dilated blood vessels) appear, followed by papules and pustules. Some patients may develop overgrowth and fibrosis of the sebaceous glands, which sometimes leads to limited hypertrophy, which is called rhinophyma.


  • blackheads (non-inflammatory lesions)
  • lumps
  • pimples
  • purulent changes
  • dilated blood vessels
  • extensive erythema


  • pregnancy

The course of the procedure

The method of treatment is selected individually for each patient. The aim of such therapy is to eliminate excessive erythema and prevent inflammatory reactions. After eliminating the inflammation and reducing the erythema, it is recommended to use a series of medical peels to thicken the walls of the vessels. Treatment is carried out in a "combined system", which consists in a combination of therapeutic treatment, medical procedures and appropriate care.


The effect of the treatment is to reduce inflammatory changes and reduce skin redness.

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