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Removal of wrinkles

Removal of wrinkles

Botulinum toxin is a substance that strong acting nerve blocking calls between plate nerve and a muscle in relation to loosen, including the muscle and straightens wrinkles fitted. The injection of appropriate doses eliminates small wrinkles (facial) caused by the contraction of facial muscles and prevent them from occurring in the future (preventive action).


Removal of wrinkles:

  • between the eyebrows (wrinkles “lion”, glabella forehead)
  • lateral face
  • around the eyes (crow’s feet)
  • area: the lower eyelid, lips, chin, neck
  • treatment of migraine
  • raising eyebrows (sometimes without the typical reduction of wrinkles forehead)
  • elimination of the so-called. “Witch’s chin” and smooth chin
  • lifting corners of the mouth
  • smoothing and neck
  • removal of excessive sweating




  • disorders of neuromuscular
  • pregnancy



The course of treatment

The treatment consists of a precise injection of botulinum toxin in a very thin needle of the face where wrinkles occur. The procedure is virtually painless and does not need anesthesia. A small amount is administered in several places on the face, depending on the number of treated areas.




Wrinkles fully or partially liquidate itself. His expression softens but is still natural, and the overall facial expression is maintained. Botulinum toxin begins right from the time of injection. However, full therapeutic effect is visible after a few days. The effect of the treatment lasts an average of 3-8 months (depending on the individual characteristics of the organism). Patients botox treatments, particularly in combination with hyaluronic acid achieve great satisfaction with their appearance.



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