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Pigmented lesions removing

Pigmented lesions are irregularities on the skin caused by a deficiency or excess of any of the components. They are very common and are generally harmless to health. Pigmented lesions can be divided into pigment patches and characteristics of dye. With the IPL treatment possible and completely effective at removing all pigmented lesions. Changes that arise due to excessive sun exposure, solarium, changes associated with aging, pigmentation changes resulting from individual characteristics such as freckles.


  • congenital nevi
  • acquired nevi
  • pigmentary traits common
  • atypical nevi


  • pregnancy
  • epilepsy
  • pacemaker

The course of treatment

The treatment is non-invasive and involves the irradiation spots, which causes them to lighten up to the complete disappearance. It is necessary to the absolute protection of the skin against the sun’s rays, both before and after surgery. Immediately after the procedure slightly darker discoloration or scabs appear superficial.


In order to achieve full effect usually takes 6 to 10 irradiation.


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