Zadzwoń do nas


Lioness of Business 2020

On January 13, 2020, the final of the 5th edition of the "Lioness of business 2020" plebiscite, organized since 2014 by the Law Business Quality magazine, took place.
The gala was hosted by Arkadiusz Habrat and Ilona Adamska, the publisher of the "Law Business Quality" magazine, and the special guest of this event, Jacek Santorski, gave a lecture on women's leadership in business.

The aim of the plebiscite is to appreciate and reward business women, as well as media personalities who motivate and inspire women with their attitude.
On that day, the premiere of the book “Business Lionesses. About family and success ”, which is an inspiration for everyone who wants to do what they love and be happy in life.


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