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Filling of wrinkles

Hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid

It is a polysaccharide which naturally occurs in our skin . Its main function is to bind water in the body resulting in lubrication , tension and increased flexibility of the skin. Unfortunately , over the years degradation of hyaluronic acid molecules therefore a slow the aging process .

Hyaluronic acid (HA ) to correct the wrinkles is flexible gel particles which act as building blocks of tissue . Gel particle size is adapted to the structure of the connective tissue layer of the skin . Thus, the ability to provide exceptional firming , lift and smooth the skin . Gel particles of different size allows appropriate choice of therapy for the individual layers of the skin , depending on the recommended depth of injection .


  • remove wrinkles around the forehead and mouth
  • fill nasolabial furrows
  • zoom paragraph
  • modeling contours of your face
  • broadcasting facial volume
  • enlarged cheekbones
  • modeling beard
  • nose job


  • pregnancy
  • herpes

The course of treatment

It is given a very thin needles that do not leave traces at the injection site and reduce the pain to a minimum . Flexible and water-binding capacity causes the after injection under the skin fills the and smoothes wrinkles naturally . After a 10-20 minute treatment, the patient can see the direct result . Then after surgery can return to normal daily activities. The full effect can be seen after about two weeks.


The effect of the treatment generally lasts up to 18 months, after which time the formulation will be absorbed natural . Depending on the nature ( density , concentration , quantity ) used HA treatment must be repeated after 6-20 months. A great advantage of the product is that it does not leave any permanent changes in the skin when the effect persists . Note, however, that the stability of the formulation depends on age, skin type , diet , lifestyle and excessive use of sun beds , sauna and solarium.


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