Zadzwoń do nas

Aesthetic Medicine

HIFU treatment

The treatment with the use of HIFU technology leads to a long-lasting effect of face and body lifting. The high-frequency wave causes the movement of cells in the tissues. Reaching to the right depth, the wave causes friction of cells and generates heat, which in turn leads to micro-burns inside the tissue.
The surface of the skin remains intact, and inside, intensive reconstruction and regeneration processes stimulated by the damage take place.


  • flabby skin on the arms, abdomen, breasts, buttocks, thighs and knees
  •  lack of skin elasticity after heavy weight loss, pregnancy
  • preventing the loss of firmness during weight loss
  • lifting of the cheeks, neck and forehead
  •  rejuvenation of the neckline
  •  skin thickening, reduction of laxity,
  • reduction of wrinkles on the forehead, around the eyes, mouth and neck
  •  raising an eyebrows
  •  reduction of the double chin
  •  improvement of the jaw line
  • rejuvenation of the neckline
  • reduction of adipose tissue


  • pregnancy
  • herpes
  • breast-feeding
  • active autoimmune diseases
  • active inflammation at the site of the procedure
  •  skin lesions, herpes at the treatment site
  • Cancer
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding
  • metal implants in the treatment area
  • open wounds
  •  implanted electrical devices
  • anticoagulation treatment or the presence of bleeding disorders
  • keloids
  • fillers in the treatment area - ultrasounds and high temperature make the fillings disappear.

The course of the procedure
The treatment consists in applying the tip of the applicator emitting beams of ultrasonic waves to the body multiple times. Ultrasounds penetrate deep into the skin, but thanks to the use of HIFU technology, its surface remains intact and there is no need for convalescence. People with a low pain threshold may feel slight stings during the treatment, the intensity of which depends on the strength of the wave.

Slight reddening of the skin may persist for several hours after the treatment. In most cases, one treatment is enough to obtain satisfactory results, in the case of very flaccid skin it can be repeated up to three times, every 1-3 months.

The duration of the procedure depends on the extent of the skin area and ranges from about 20-90 minutes.
For several days, the treated areas may be slightly sore or a slight swelling may occur. In rare cases, single bruises appear. These symptoms disappear after 2-3 days, bruising after 7-14 days

You will notice small changes immediately after the treatment thanks to the shortening of collagen fibers.
The total effect of one treatment in the form of lifting the oval of the face and tightening the cheeks appears later - about three months after its implementation.
In order to maintain the effects, it is recommended to repeat the treatment every 4 months - no more than 3 times a year.

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