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Treatments for eyes area

Eye Bag Solution

Eye Bag Solution is a treatment that improves microcirculation and stimulates drainage, reducing "bags" and puffiness around the eyes and preventing lymphatic stagnation.
It prevents fat deposition and stimulates lipolysis by removing the fat pads around the eyes.
It smoothes wrinkles, tones and tightens the skin, giving the skin rejuvenation effect.
It also has a lightening and illuminating effect on the skin around the eyes.


  • puffiness under the eyes
  • fatty hernia of the lower eyelids
  • disorders of lymphatic and venous circulation around the eyes

Contraindications to the procedure:

  • acute bacterial local skin diseases
  • local inflammation, fever, erythema
  • decompensated diabetes
  • Cancer
  • allergies to the preparation used
  • taking blood-thinning medications, e.g. aspirin

Treatment effects:

After the first treatment, you can see the reduction of "bags" under the eyes and improvement in skin tension. The skin becomes more elastic and taut, blood circulation is improved, which reduces the tendency to puffiness.
The treatment should be repeated 4 times at intervals of 2-3 weeks, then once every 2-3 months.


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