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The use of Botox to treat bruxism can be treated as an adjunct to the use of rail while relaxing (transparent overlay) assumed the teeth or as a method of self- acceptance in the absence of rails relaxing by the patient. Botox is administered to patients particularly hard teeth grinding in order to reduce the strength of the muscles of cheek.

Caused by the disease permanently tense muscles (masseter, occiput and neck) triggers tension headaches. It felt such pain behind the eye, often causes tearing, and intensity of symptoms of a migraine -like. Botulinum toxin reduces the long-term masseter muscle tension, which is the source of pain. If left untreated, bruxism causes severe pain in the head and face, back problems and even hearing and eyesight.


  • teeth grinding or jaw clenching
  • worn enamel, exposing deeper layers of the tooth
  • pain in the jaw or excessive tension in the muscles of the jaw
  • pain in the ear, head
  • chronic facial pain
  • damage to the inside of the cheek
  • dents on the tongue
  • problems with chewing
  • insomnia


  • disorders of neuromuscular
  • pregnancy

The course of treatment

Botox is injected into the masseter muscle hypertrophy and temporal muscles at a suitable dose. The procedure is minimally invasive and less painful. After three days after, the patient is relieved, reduced muscle tone and reduces pain.


The effect of muscle relaxation and relief you feel after 5-10 days after surgery. The procedure is repeated approximately every six months.


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