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Botoxlift is an innovative therapeutic procedure, which combines all the benefits of mesotherapy hyaluronic acid with lifting and smoothing effects of botox.


  • fine lines
  • tired and damaged skin
  • around is not recommended for conventional treatments using botulinum toxin such as lower eyelid
  • mature skin covered with a dense mesh of fine wrinkles
  • skin, slender, very flexible
  • dehydrated skin with fine wrinkles


  • disorders of neuromuscular
  • pregnancy

The course of treatment

The procedure involves injecting botox multipoint at a lower dose than conventional. This makes it possible to obtain uniform distribution of the product and thereby effect a uniform smooth surface. Another advantage is the use of hyaluronic acid that moisturizes, nourishes and revitalizes the skin in the area. Injections are large areas of skin such as the cheeks, area around the mouth, face, neck, décolleté.


Using this procedure we get surprisingly good results rejuvenated, smoothed and rested his face. We obtain a lifting effect and revitalize the skin. Smoothing effect and improve power (one treatment) appears on the week to determine the exact duration of the effects of the treatment is not possible, because it all depends on the individual characteristics of the organism and lifestyle.


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